If you’re in the Greater Toronto Area, we’d be happy to try to arrange for an astronomer to come speak to your school or group. See our Speakers Bureau for details. If you’re anywhere else in the world, we’d love to talk to you by video chat.
Our speakers can connect with you via any of the more popular video chat services: Skype, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, or Virtual Researcher on Call (VROC).
To make use of this free service, please select a speaker from our Speakers Bureau, then e-mail us at speakers@universe.utoronto.ca. When you email, please let us know:
- A description of your group (name, location, age range, grade if appropriate)
- Your preferred speaker and topic
- The dates and times you’re available; please provide us with a few options
- Your preferred video chat service
To ensure the best experience for your audience, we request that you test your audio-visual set-up thoroughly before the session begins. Make sure our speaker will be audible to your audience and that the speaker will be able to hear the questions from your audience. It will usually be necessary to ask your audience members to approach the microphone when asking a question, or for a host at your site to repeat the question.